Coconut and Turkey Chili - A Bountiful Love

Coconut and Turkey Chili

  Fresh coconut milk has a lot of health benefits and there are tons of recipes that you can incorporate coconut milk with. Since I do not have easy access to fresh coconut milk here, a canned light coconut milk will do. Though I tried making it fresh before, it was an epic fail. One of the many reasons why I miss the Philippines where coconut milk is readily available. A quick visit to a wet market or "palengke"  will get you a fresh pressed coconut milk at a reasonable price.  

Here's a quick Tagalog translation:

coconut milk
coconut "cream"
kakang gata
the first pressing of coconut milk, thicker than subsequent pressings
any stew that uses coconut milk as a prominent ingredient


1 1/2 pounds lean ground turkey
1 tbsp olive oil
2  15 oz cans tomato sauce
1 cup green peas
1 cup chopped red onion
1 tbsp garlic powder
1 tbsp curry powder
1 oz can light coconut milk


In a medium to large soup pot, brown the turkey in the olive oil.

Add the red onions,  once the turkey meat is browned.

Add the tomato sauce and let it simmer for a couple minutes.

 Mix the coconut milk in. Stir to combine. Add the curry and garlic powder..then the green peas.

Let it simmer for about 7-10 minutes, until the turkey meat is thoroughly cooked.

Serve it with white rice.

This delicious and healthy recipe is from : The Gracious Pantry
  Visit her blog if you are interested in Clean eating without breaking your bank and you like to simplify healthy meals. She has a lot of good recipes.


  1. I love chili! This looks wonderful, Khit :-)
    Blessings :-)

    1. Hi Kath , I learned to eat Chili here in United States :) and i loved it with cornbread :)

  2. I'm intrigued by these combination of flavors! I can just imagine it being wonderful! I do appreciate you sharing with A Return to Loveliness,

  3. Hi Kathy , I appreciate you stopping by .. me too, I had never tried tomato sauce and coconut milk together before. Oddly enough , it really does taste good. We like it with white rice. Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Your coconut and turkey chili looks and sound great. Thank you so much for stopping by Saturday Dishes and linking up.
    Diane Roark
    recipesforourdailybread com

  5. This chili is interesting to me. I would have not think chili as Asian and I would have never thought to put coconut milk in chili. Thanks for sharing this recipe at Saturday Dishes. I'm going to have to try this.


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